Custom Neon Signs as Wedding Art

Custom Neon Signs as Wedding Art

Celebrate in style with a fun wedding that reflects the couple’s personalities in a unique way. Using custom neon signs to add a touch of flare and playful décor to a setting is so versatile, that they can virtually work with any look and feel for a wedding.

See Your Name in Lights

Like a classic theatre marquee, custom neon signs can be shaped into any words that you would like. Create one for the couple’s names, a classic “Mr. & Mrs.” style, or a lovely display of the family name. Since neon lights can be customized to any size and specifications, they can easily fit in any area to highlight a wedding altar, archway, or main wedding party table setting.

Inviting guests in to the event with a large lovely display of the couple’s name, or personalized hashtag will give everyone an exciting sight to get them in the mood to celebrate love and the connection between two people. Lots of modern start-ups are using business neon signs to create a playful buzz, and make their brand memorable, and the same goes for contemporary weddings.


Set the Perfect Photo-Op

Photos and videos are what truly lock in those special moments, which is why creating interesting backdrops and photogenic setups is such an important part of wedding planning. If guests love the setting, they will take fun playful photos, which is what will bring back memories for years to come.

Neon signs and lights can instantly set up a photo booth in any alcove, room, photo booth or area in the venue. Create a frame in lights, add fun shapes or symbols, or add some romantic text that guests would love to take photos with.
In a time where social media rules for photos and connections with others, this is also the perfect chance to create amazing looks for photos that will be shared with everyone. Hashtags are also very popular neon signs, which makes it look funky in photos, but also remind guests to add a personal hashtag so that all photos can load together on a page.


Set the Mood with Custom Neon Signs

Creating the perfect mood for the wedding day is essential for a couple that have a particular theme in mind, but it is also a very important thing to consider for your guests to have a great time as well. Many people normally associate neon signs with bright retro themes, which they naturally are perfect for, but many miss out on the chance to really change things up and use neon lights to create a different mood and atmosphere are the even unfolds.

White or soft colored neon lights combined with soft sheer fabrics and flower arrangements can instantly give a classic dreamy romantic look, and as the day turns into night, the light will become a more central décor piece that can light a setting without the need or extra lighting.

Be Playful with Purpose

Label areas around the venue to add visual interest, a unique decorative touch, but also to let guests know where everything is located. Just like a bar neon sign lets you know the establishment is open for business, the venue bar area can also be labeled simply as “Bar” or “Cheers” to show guests where they can get a refreshment.

Other ideas for venue and party labels are:

  • Photos or Photo Booth – Create an area for fun guest and couple photos 
  • Dance or Dance floor – Give everyone an area to let loose and have fun all night long 
  • Band Names or Logos – To highlight the stage or live performance area
  • Messages of Love – Guests can leave heartfelt messages, or a thank you from the wedding party 
  • Name or Seating – To label escort cards and seating arrangements
  • Games – For an area that has groups games or entertainment for guests
  • Gifts – An area for guests to leave gifts for the couple, or to pick up takeaways from the event

Create a set of fun matching signs for all of the different areas as a way to entertain, but also show what is available throughout the day and night. A neon sign can also be used to direct everyone from one location to another, with a simple arrow or sign that says “This Way”. These signs are perfect for showing directions, but also illuminating the path so that guests can safely walk to the next venue location.

More than just bright eye-catching signs for businesses to attract customers, neon signs are versatile lighting options that are very functional, unique, and have multi-uses for events as important as a wedding. The variation of designs, colors and sized available today make them a simple and effective option to create a truly memorable event, no matter what kind of look an feel the setting is meant to be.

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